Posts tagged with "yoga"

Meditation for "self-realisation"
When only a singularity remains, body, mind, world, self, and consciousness all become one. In this, all three states of consciousness (i.e awake, sleeping, and dreaming) are merged into one state. This state generates liberation from all illusions of mind, space, time, and reality.
"Meditation for Enlightenment"
When only the object of focus and the observer's consciousness towards the object remain, the rest is eliminated. Mind, body, and world cease to exist.

Meditation for expansion of perception and reality.
Absolute constant focus on an object or idea and understanding and exploring it free from self and ego. Realising the ultimate reality free from illusion.
Meditation for Generating Energy: Taap
Focusing on rhythm within and attaching a positive emotion to each repetition. This repetitive rhythm can be generated by repeating a word or a mantra or by concentrating on already existing bodily rhythms like breath or heartbeat. Repetitive focus on emotions like peace, bliss, and love generates an energized embodied state.

Meditation for Concentration: Jaap
Focusing on rhythm within. This repetitive rhythm can be generated by repeating a word or a mantra or by concentrating on already existing bodily rhythms like breath or heartbeat. Objective: Strengthening the mind, improving focus.
Mudra for Graciousness
Mudra for Graciousness Hand pointed towards the ground signifies earth which is the embodiment of graciousness. it is content to be under our feet, it feeds us nurtures us and shelters us with the need for acknowledgment.

"Mudra for knowledge and wisdom"
"Mudra for knowledge and wisdom" Knowledge without the entitlement of right or wrong, expectations, attachments, and judgments is true consciousness.
Mudra for Gratitude
Mudra for Gratitude Being grateful makes you aware of how so many things (universe) have worked together to uplift you. Most of us feel that the world is going horribly wrong, there is nothing to be grateful for. Hard times come to teach us, make us better, make us stronger, make us more aware, and ultimately uplift us. We can only rise once we fall. And when you are as grateful for your falls as you are for your rising up, that is true consciousness.

Mudra for Meditation
Meditation means unity, uniting with all, that is within you and that is around or beyond you. To experience without judgment
Hand Mudra for Fearlessness
"Hand Mudra for Fearlessness" Understanding that fear is a friend, confronting, embracing, and accepting it is a true release.